Saturday, November 30, 2019

South Carolina Exposition and Protest free essay sample

Calhoun, then vice president under John Quince Adams and later under Andrew Jackson The document was a rotes against the Tariff of 1828, also known as the Tariff of Abominations. The document stated that if the tariff was not repealed, South Carolina would secede The South Carolina Protest was issued by the South Carolina legislature in 1828 to announce its intention to nullify the federal tariff of 1828. The Exposition explained and defended the principles and customs upon which the Protest and nullification rested.Calhoun argued against the Tariff of 1828, which imposed a tax on imported goods high enough to protect domestic producers from foreign competition. Northern manufacturers benefited from the tax, while Southern planters who depended on international trade suffered. Calhoun argued that a protective tariff was unconstitutional, and that states, not the Supreme Court, were the rightful judges of the constitutionality of laws. I think the southern states had a reason to be upset, but no government is perfect and sometimes you have to adjust your personal opinions for the good of the country. We will write a custom essay sample on South Carolina Exposition and Protest or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The tariff that was put in place, The Tariff of 1 828 was passed by the congress of the Lignite States on May 19 1828. It was designed to protect industry in the northern United States. Something that benefits just some people and not others will cause immediate installment, which it did in the south. They were upset that they would be paying money that was going to help the north and not them. The goal of this tariffs to help protect the northern states that were being driven out of business by lower prices importer goods.A tax in place WOUld help them. In the south though, they had to pay higher prices on imported goods and reducing the exportation of British goods to the U. S. Made it difficult got British to pay for the cotton they imported. William James Cooper, an American educator who revered as US Commissioner of Education stated that, Protective tariff violated their constitutional theory, for, as they interpreted the document, it gave no permission for a protective tariff.Moreover, they saw protection as benefiting the North and hurting the In the Exposition and Protest reported by the special committee of the House of Representatives they explain that the tariff is, a violation of these fundamental principles, a breach of a well-defined tryst and a prevention of the humble power vested in the federal government for federal purposes only. Also the south implanted that the tariff would disrupt farming and would cause people to emigrate elsewhere.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Employment Testing

This article covered many issues with employment testing and the things a person should know and expect before taking these test. The five most common types of test are: drug test, honesty test, personality test, skills test, aptitude test. Most people wonder why companies make them take these test and why these test take so long. The biggest reason why a person needs to take these test is because hiring an individual and training them cost money, lots of money. The employer wants to know if the person they are hiring will be able to fulfill the job duties and be reliable. The first mentioned test in the article is drug testing. Many companies test their employees and future employees for drugs just to keep the work environment safe. When someone is under the influence of drugs, no one is safe and accidents can happen. I think that drug testing is a very good test for companies to have. I would not like to work with people that are under the influence because in my profession it might lead to me being seriously injured or killed. The second type of test that this article mentions is personality testing. This test includes taking a short or long questioner or test. I don’t agree with these test all of the times. I think they can be misleading because there is no wrong answer. The third type of test that this article talks about is the skills test. A company might use this type of test to see if the person applying is able to complete the skill they are looking for. This is a very effective test for a company, it saves time and money. The forth t est is aptitude test. This test determines an individual’s ability to perform at different levels within the company after being trained. Aptitude tests are usually written or oral. These are very effective test a company can give a person. If a person isn’t able to perform the job duties after being trained, there is need to hire them. The final test is the honest test. This test can serv... Free Essays on Employment Testing Free Essays on Employment Testing This article covered many issues with employment testing and the things a person should know and expect before taking these test. The five most common types of test are: drug test, honesty test, personality test, skills test, aptitude test. Most people wonder why companies make them take these test and why these test take so long. The biggest reason why a person needs to take these test is because hiring an individual and training them cost money, lots of money. The employer wants to know if the person they are hiring will be able to fulfill the job duties and be reliable. The first mentioned test in the article is drug testing. Many companies test their employees and future employees for drugs just to keep the work environment safe. When someone is under the influence of drugs, no one is safe and accidents can happen. I think that drug testing is a very good test for companies to have. I would not like to work with people that are under the influence because in my profession it might lead to me being seriously injured or killed. The second type of test that this article mentions is personality testing. This test includes taking a short or long questioner or test. I don’t agree with these test all of the times. I think they can be misleading because there is no wrong answer. The third type of test that this article talks about is the skills test. A company might use this type of test to see if the person applying is able to complete the skill they are looking for. This is a very effective test for a company, it saves time and money. The forth t est is aptitude test. This test determines an individual’s ability to perform at different levels within the company after being trained. Aptitude tests are usually written or oral. These are very effective test a company can give a person. If a person isn’t able to perform the job duties after being trained, there is need to hire them. The final test is the honest test. This test can serv...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Resume Writing E-Books Published in Honor of “Update Your Resume Month!

Resume Writing E-Books Published in Honor of â€Å"Update Your Resume Month! Writing an effective resume takes time, thought and research, and can be intimidating without guidance. My newest e-books, How to Write a WINNING Resume: 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target and How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume: 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target hit the Amazon e-bookshelves on September 7th and are designed to make the resume writing process easy and accessible. Just in time for Update Your Resume Month! Career Directors International (CDI) has proclaimed September the official â€Å"Update Your Resume Month,† and I’m jumping on the bandwagon! I’ll admit that the publication of my books was not planned ahead to coincide with this event, but what better moment for them to be released? It’s the Jewish New Year. The job market in on the upswing. And the kids are back to school. This is the perfect time to focus with a fresh perspective on your career. And updating your resume is a great place to start. In fact, it’s essential in today’s job market. As someone who has written hundreds of resumes, I can tell multiple stories of people who were not getting interviews until they came to a professional resume writer. It’s really true that an outdated resume can be disastrous for your job search; so make sure you stay on top of trends and that your accomplishments are current! You can take action now instead of waiting until you see a job posting with a deadline tomorrow. You have everything you need now to prepare for the future. Using How to Write a WINNING Resume: 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target or How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume: 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target to update your resume now will get you started on the process- and guide you through every step of writing an effective resume. Of course The Essay Expert is available to provide individual services as well. Just let us know if you want to work with us! Contact or 608-467-0067.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Summarize the importance of a business impact analysis across the Assignment

Summarize the importance of a business impact analysis across the supply chain (value chain) - Assignment Example , production is efficient and time is saving making it beneficial to outsource products from china other than production because the time saved on production is used for making sales, marketing and developing the business. It is important to note that Chinese cost of raw materials and labor is low. On the other hand, the option of shipping raw materials by air might be very expensive while shipping by sea is slower. For instance, the shipment could be too heavy to be shipped by air making it fair for production to be outsourced from China. The benefit achieved in importing products from China is that the inspection is carried out by a third party so as to enable the mistakes in the products to be ironed out before reaching the US markets. Another benefit is that, quality control in the production plant is put in place. The Chinese companies also conduct education for importers (Power et al., 2006). On the contrary, the importers can import a dangerous product which will consequently lower the volume of sales. In this regard, faults in the product can harm the standing of the firm owing to meager quality product. Risks of terrorism and currency fluctuations should be put into consideration. Other risks include; the uncertainty of quality of products and challenges of keeping the Chinese chain

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Aerodynamics Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Aerodynamics Homework - Essay Example ility develops forces that move it further from its position and neutral stability enables the aircraft to maintain the position without moving forward and backward. Control refers to the effectiveness of displacement of regulating features of an aircraft that determines the rate at which the attitudes and direction of flight can be altered. Aircraft control plays a critical role in other features such as stability and maneuvarabilty since it can easily respond to manipulations. Maneuverability is the ability of an aircraft to change direction and attitude as required. Maneuverability is vital in maintaining the stability of an aircraft. This implies that for an aircraft to maintain stability, it must have the tendency of returning to the straight, upright and level attitude (Skiba, 2002). Maintaining a straight level flight and a suitable stability requires aircraft designers build bodies in different levels of static and dynamic stability. The wings of the Spirit of St. Louis were attached above the weight. Charles Lindberg was impressed with the lateral stability of aircraft because the weight that was low above the wing would act as a pendulum to minimise chances of rolling if one if one wing dropped. This type of stability is positive since it was intended to return the aircraft to its original position in case of a disturbance (Skiba,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Curriculum Development Essay Example for Free

Curriculum Development Essay 1. What is K-12 curriculum? What is the rationale of K-12 curriculum? K- 12 is a designation for the sum of primary and secondary education. It is used in the United States, Canada, Philippines and Australia. It means kindergarten and the twelve years of elementary and secondary education. The kindergarten refers to the 5-year old unit that takes a standardized kinder curriculum. The elementary education refers to primary schooling that involves six or seven years of education and the secondary education refers to high school. The main purpose of K-12 Program is to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. The outcome goals of the K-12 Basic Education Program is to make Philippine education standards to be at balance with international standards, to create more emotionally mature graduates equipped with technical and vocational skills who are better prepared for work, middle level skills development and higher education, to make the educational inputs significantly addressed shortages or gaps, to make the improvement of basic education outcomes broadened and strengthened the stakeholder support, to improve internal efficiency, system of governance in the department and quality of teachers. 2. Essentialists point of view of curriculum development? The curriculum is a crucial component of any educational process. It addresses questions such as what students should learn and be able to do, why, how, and how well. In the past, the curriculum was designed merely from the perspective of its cultural transmission functions with its structure consequently reflecting discrete areas of knowledge. According to Kern it is possible to use a six-step approach to curriculum development for Medical Education: 1. Problem identification and general needs assessment The most important step is the first one, the general needs assessment (GNA). The goal of step 1 is to focus the curriculum, by defining the deficits in knowledge, attitude, or skills that currently exist in practitioners and the ideal approach to teaching and learning these objectives. When completed, the GNA makes a strong argument for the need for the curriculum and identifies potential educational research questions. 2. Needs assessment of targeted learners The general needs assessment is applied to targeted learners. What kind of doctor do we want to educate it depends mostly on social needs but it can reflect job opportunities, financial rewards and attitudes acquired during process of studding. Sometimes it is very difficult to make balance between these several needs. Needs can be obtained on different ways. It can be done through study of errors in practice. It is very difficult to design curriculum which will fully meet the needs of society and students 3. Goals and objectives Institution should define overall goals and aims for the curriculum. Specific measurable knowledge, skill/ performance, attitude, and process objectives should be stated for the curriculum. 4. Educational strategies It is necessary to make a plan how to maximize the impact of the curriculum, which content should be included, how content should be organized and with which educational methods, how elements of curriculum should communicate, what kind of educational environment and climate should be developed. Content which is included must provide to student critical thinking. It must be selected and organized on the way to initiate critical approach to facts and development skill of information retrieval. 5. Implementation A plan for implementation, including timelines and resources required, should be created. A plan for faculty development is made to assure consistent implementation. 6. Evaluation and feedback Evaluation of curriculum presents the final stage inside cyclic process of improvement and development of curriculum. 3. Why develop a curriculum? Ever since the term curriculum was added to educators vocabularies, it has seemed to convey many things to many people. To some, curriculum has denoted a specific course, while to others it has meant the entire educational environment. Whereas perceptions of the term may vary, it must be recognized that curriculum encompasses more than a simple definition. Curriculum is a key element in the educational process; its scope is extremely broad, and it touches virtually everyone who is involved with teaching and learning. In no other area has greater emphasis been placed upon the development of curricula that are relevant in terms of student and community needs and substantive outcomes. The career and technical and technical curriculum focuses not only on the educational process but also on the tangible results of that process. This is only one of many reasons why the career and technical and technical curriculum is distinctive in relation to other curricular areas and why career and technical education curriculum planners must have a sound understanding of the curriculum development process. 4. What to consider in curriculum development? In planning and developing a curriculum, you should consider the following: 1. Convening a Curriculum Development Committee Such a committee, consisting primarily of teachers who represent the various schools and grade levels in a district, administrators, members of the public and perhaps students, becomes the driving force for curriculum change and the long-term process of implementing the curriculum. It is critical that an effective, knowledgeable and respected chairperson lead such a committee and it includes knowledgeable and committed members who gradually become the districts de facto experts during the development phases of the process as well as the implementation phases. 2. Identifying Key Issues and Trends in the Specific Content Area The first step in any curriculum development process involves research that reviews recent issues and trends of the discipline, both within the district and across the nation. This research allows a curriculum committee to identify key issues and trends that will support the needs assessment that should be conducted and the philosophy that should be developed. 3. Assessing Needs and Issues Curriculum development should be viewed as a process by which meeting student needs leads to improvement of student learning. Regardless of the theory or model followed, curriculum developers should gather as much information as possible. This information should include the desired outcomes or expectations of a high quality program, the role of assessment, the current status of student achievement and actual program content. The information should also consider the concerns and attitudes of teachers, administrators, parents and students. The data should include samples of assessments, lessons from teachers, assignments, scores on state standardized tests, textbooks currently used, student perception and feedback from parents.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay on the Influence of Mary Shelley’s Life on Frankenstein

Influence of Mary Shelley’s Life on Frankenstein      Ã‚  Ã‚  Since its publication in 1818, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein has grown to become a name associated with horror and science fiction. To fully understand the importance and origin of this novel, we must look at both the tragedies of Mary Shelley's background and her own origins. Only then can we begin to examine what the icon "Frankenstein" has become in today's society.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mary Godwin was born in London in 1797 to prominent philosopher William Godwin and well-known feminist and author Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. Shortly after Mary's birth, her mother died of complications from childbirth, and this event set the stage for the strained relationship between Mary and her father. Godwin blamed Mary for her mother's death and put her in the care of her unqualified stepmother, who favored her own children and forced Mary to do tedious housework. Godwin felt that punishing Mary would satisfy his grief, and consequently Mary became withdrawn in her studies. Her talent for writing is believed to have saved her from premature suicide.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Possibly as an attempt to be accepted by her father, Mary immersed herself in literary studies and her father's intellectual conversations with other philosophers. She attempted to compete with her mother's legacy by continuously writing. It was reported that Mary's "attempts to compete with her dead mother reached obsessive proportions by the time she turned seventeen." "When Mary was seventeen," writes Samuel Rosenburg, "she began taking her books and writing material to the nearby Old St. Pancras Church, where her parents had been married and where her mother was buried. There, seated in the graveyard behind the church, th... ...ience fiction. From this novel, many other versions have spawned, each one versions of the legendary novel by 19-year-old Mary Shelley.    Works Cited Florescu, Radu. In Search of Frankenstein. Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1975. Glut, Donald F. The Frankenstein Language: A Tribute to Mary Shelley and Boris Karloff. Metuchen: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1973. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. London: Puffin Books, 1818. Rosenburg, Samuel. "Happy 150th Dear Frankenstein," Life. March 15, 1968. taken from "the Life of Mary Shelley" document online:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Consulted   

Monday, November 11, 2019

My Career as Social Work Practitioner Essay

When I considered social work as a profession the decision was one made with great ease. As a juvenile I faced many hardships that still affect my everyday life. After beginning my education as a social work major I now realize I was a youth that lacked a necessary advocate. Alot of problems that I dealt with could have been disputed or even prevented had I been able to receive certain resources and interact with the proper professionals. I notice also that there are more potential cases than professionals available to solve them today. The world we live in lacks advocates with the well-being of those suffering social problems in mind. My past and the sight I have gained for the future ,alone lead me to the profession of a social worker. As an adolescent I found myself in and out of the juvenile correctional system for various incidents. I now can say I struggled with many typical issues faced by those of my generation, while at the time not knowing of any help available to me outsid e of my home. Not only did I struggle with acting out but I also had many emotional tribulations that I later found could be maintained by seeking help from a clinical professional. While feeling I was at an dead end I met a social worker through Harris County JJAEP named Thelma Herman. With the help of Mrs. Herman I was able to take benefit of all the help and resources I was once lacking. She got involved in the middle of a big crisis in my life that lacked a lot of understanding from those around me. Her influences’ put me in the right direction with my education and allowed me to regain a hold on my life. Once I took advantage of various programs such as; Houston Advocates, MHMRA, and Snap, I was able to notice a great difference in my everyday life due to these resources. When I decided to further my education I spent a period of time looking for a profession that would suite my purpose of wanting to help others, that were in like situations of my own. Helping the youth, educating parents, and providing necessary resources’ for a family to properly function, can all be achieved in the social work profession. In the future as a social worker, I plan to practice at a micro level in schools or possibly a juvenile detention center. Past experiences alone will give me the basis I need to successfully help my clients and give them the necessary resources to be productive in life. My ultimate career goal will be to open a girl’s home, that offers all resources needed for girls age 13-21 with the intentions all who come through the doors will lead successful lives as an adult. I feel that every bit of my goals as a social work practitioner are achievable and thus the reason I find this very profession suitable.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Development of Evolution Concept

It is a matter of fact that history of evolution is very long and contradictive. The concept of evolution has existed even since ancient times and is being developing nowadays. Modern theory of evolutionary thought was established in 18th-19th centuries. Many outstanding and famous scientists contributed the evolutionary thought and interpreted it in their own way. As it was mentioned above, the concept of evolution appeared and was strongly supported in ancient time by Anaximander, Democritus, Epicurus and Empedocles.Those Greek philosophers made the first attempt to explain the concept of evolution suggesting that humans, sun, earth life and civilization emerged from â€Å"aeons without divine intervention†. (Bowler 2003, 23) The Roman philosopher Lucretius described life development in stages starting from atoms collisions and ending with succession of animals and less brutish humans. Nevertheless, evolutionary thoughts died in Europe after the Roman Empire had fallen; howe ver, the ideas were developed in Islamic countries.It is known that Al-Jahiz claimed that environment affected the animals’ survivals and it had to affect humans as well. Ibn al-Haitham argued even about the explicitly for evolutionism. (Bowler 2003) Matthew Hale in 1677 used the term â€Å"evolution† t attack the atomism of Epicurus and Democritus. He argued that their atomist theory and suggested that collisions and vibrations of atoms had formed not humans and animals, but semina that were â€Å"immediate, primitive, productive principles of men, animals, birds and fishes†. (Riddle 1954, 89) Hale called that mechanism absurdity.The concept of evolution was contributed also by German scientists including Schelling and Hegel. According to them evolution appears to be a fundamentally spiritual process involving both natural and divine interventions. They argued that evolution was â€Å"a self- disclosing revelation of the absolute†. (Riddle 1954, 89) In t he early 18th century German scientist Leibniz suggested that the objects are caused by internal forces. He supported the idea of that evolution involved divine principles. He mentioned that universe couldn’t be formed without God’s works.  (Riddle 1954)In 1745 Pierre Maupertius suggested rather interesting concept considering that all the modern species are the smallest parts produced by the blind destiny. According to him â€Å"chance† has produced innumerable individuals; however only few individuals are able to satisfy their needs, whereas others perish. Therefore he presented the idea of natural selection further contributed by Charles Darwin. One more scientist Buffon suggested the mutability of species and underlined that organisms are influenced strongly by natural processes.In 1755 Kant, German philosopher and scientist predicted the theory that unformed matter develops into the highest types of plants and animals. Kant believed that modifications and variations were the response to â€Å"mechanical laws of the organisms themselves rather than to the influence of their surroundings†. (Bowler 2003, 120) Herder, for example, agreed with the concept of natural selection stating that struggle foe survival and existence played the major role in organic world, although the theme remained undeveloped and rather vague.In the early 19th century Wells assumed that evolution of humans is the principle of natural selection. It is known that Darwin was unaware of Wells’ suggestions and later he acknowledged that Wells was the first to promote the idea of natural selection in the evolutionary thought. In 1833 Charles Lyell emphasized the gradual variation of evolution, where each specie had â€Å"centre of creation and was diagnosed for habitat, but would go extinct when the habitat changed†. (Bowler 2003, 126) The concept was supported by Herschel outlined that natural laws played the most important role in species formi ng.Nevertheless, the most important contribution into development of evolutionary though was actually made by Charles Darwin. Darwin criticized the previous ideas about natural selection assuming they failed to propone the coherent philosophy and to suggest the proper mechanism of species variations. Darwin, in his turn, stated that species had arisen from the â€Å"selective actions of external conditions upon the variations from their specific type which individuals present and which is called spontaneous†. (West 1938, 147) The Darwin’s theory proved to be successful providing the useful statistical models of evolution.In the late 19th century evolutionary though was considerably contributed by the works of Gregor Mendel. He carried out series of experiments and in result provided models for inheritance based on the unit of gene. However, Mendel’s works remained unappreciated for many years and even ignored by biologists. Mendel’s works were â€Å"disc overed† in 1990 and caused a conflict between Mendelians. (Riddle 1954) In 1970s the neutral theory of molecular evolution was presented by famous scientist Motoo Kimura who the first to establish the genetic drift and considered it a mechanism of evolution.One more interesting idea was generated by Lynn Margilus. He presented the theory of symboigenesis arguing that genetic drift and mutations are not enough to explain the concepts of evolution. In the theory Margulis stated that species emerged through the process of symbiosis. (Riddle 1954) In 1972 Stephen Gould suggested the theory of punctuated equilibrium. All the theories were followed by renewal of structuaralist themes in evolutionary ideology. For example, Brian Goodwin incorporated in his researches the ideas of systems theory along with cybernetics and thus emphasized the important role of natural selection.In 1995 Daniel Dennett argued that Darwin’s natural selection is â€Å"algorithmic process applicable to many circumstances besides biological evolution†. (Bowler 2003, 225) Such concept of evolution was called â€Å"universal Darwinism†. It is necessary to outline that the development of evolutionary thought was vivid, though contradictive. Lots of theories and concepts were developed to explain the evolution of human beings, but scientists failed to find the only satisfactory explanation. Nowadays some theories are disapproved, others are improved and followed. (Henderson 2000)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pocket money is being spent unwisely.

Pocket money is being spent unwisely. Money is a thing without which person cannot exist and it plays a very big and important role in people's lives. It has a big power: it makes life conditions nicer and more comfortable, but my concern is that there is a possibility of ruining person's life by the help of money. However, money is not so powerful it can buy everything; you cannot buy true love, health for all diamonds in the world. But money given to children, the so-called pocket money has some special power due to inexperienced minds of its spendthrifts. Very often this money is spent carelessly because its owner - small child - has no idea about its value and efforts to get it.In most cases this money is spent unwisely. Why is it so? I will try to describe the main reasons concerning this tough problem. Nowadays some children have generous pocket money and it is easy for them to get it.Money Stinky Feet Bankroll Girls February 08, 2011...They should only ask their parents. And parents lavishly give it every time, be cause in a way they do not want to hurt "the little heart." They want to provide their darlings with everything they wish (I do not speak about families.) In such cases children do not bother about things they buy, they want it and do it. They do not bother if the item is necessary for them, not speaking about vital necessity of it. Now there are parents to be blamed for giving pocket money, which their "babies" spend before the wind. For those parents pocket money is the way to get free of children, of their problems and puzzling questions. Adults just give money and say: "Go, go!" And child goes happily... But where to? To the modern and industrial world that is thirsty for their...

Monday, November 4, 2019

American Healthcare System and the Rights of Trans People

American Healthcare System and the Rights of Trans People Trans healthcare rights are becoming more and more prominent in the United States; not only is there a push for coverage of hormones and surgery but also is pushing for an overhaul of how we approach our health care in general. â€Å"Transgender people face massive and systemic discrimination within the health care system. From instances of humiliation and degradation to outright refusals to provide care, the health care system presents a minefield of discrimination for transgender people seeking to access care† (TLDEF, 2014). Currently one must be diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (GID) by a therapist to be given hormone injections and other treatment. To ask a person to admit something is mentally wrong with them is humiliating and degrading. Rather than face abuse and humiliation many trans* people seek alternative ways of receiving treatment. This is no doubt related to the increasing number of trans* people, especially trans* women, being diagnosed with HIV and AIDS. 2.64 percent of trans people are infected with HIV, which is more than four times the national average rate of 0.6 percent in the general population. (Moskowitz, 2010). â€Å"Where transgender people cannot access health care in a safe and non-discriminatory manner, they often will find what they need outside the mainstream health care system. The use of â€Å"street† hormones, with little direction or medical supervision, is one way that transgender people get what they need when they opt out of the mainstream health care system. Such hormones are often unsafe and unclean, and can seriously harm those who use them. When such hormones are injected, the risk of transmission of HIV and other blood borne pathogens through needle sharing is ever-present† (TLDEF, 2014). Trans* people often experience body dysphoria, a chronic mental illness where the person experiences an incongruity between the way they perceive their body and the way it is in reality. â€Å"For trans people, this can (but doesn’t always) include varying degrees, permutations and combinations of feelings and discomfort around the unwanted presence of breasts and the desire for a penis, testicles and a masculine, virilized body by many trans men, or the unwanted presence of a penis and testicles and desire for breasts and a less virilized, more feminine body by many trans women† (American Trans Man, 2012). It is important to not a trans* person is not born one way and is becoming the other. To a trans* person they’ve always been the gender they identify as, they just don’t have a body that matches. Research has overwhelmingly shown that members of the LGBT+ community are more prone to anxiety and depression. An alarming 41% of trans* people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide. Often being misgendered can be triggering and upsetting for a trans* person. â€Å"LGBT people face: Higher rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and phobic disorders, suicidality, self-harm, and substance use among LGBT people Double the risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than heterosexual people LGBT youth and trans people face increased risk. For example: LGBT youth face approximately 14 times the risk of suicide and substance abuse than heterosexual peers 77% of trans respondents in an Ontario-based survey had seriously considered suicide and 45% had attempted suicide Trans youth and those who had experienced physical or sexual assault were found to be at greatest risk† (Canadian Mental Health Association, 2014). In some cases surgery and other treatments should be considered life saving and preventive due to the high suicide risk. It is currently very hard to get health care coverage for reassignment surgery as they are seen as elective; however, in many cases regarding trans* prisoners, courts have ruled in their favor. In 2012, a Massachusetts judged ruled in favor for an inmate’s reassignment surgery. â€Å"Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf ruled that sex reassignment surgery is the only adequate treatment for Kosilek, and that there is no less intrusive means to correct the prolonged violation of Kosileks Eighth Amendment right to adequate medical care’† (Kim, 2012). Not only is there a high suicide risk among trans* people, there is also a staggering number of assaults and and sexual assaults. â€Å"A 2009 University of California, Irvine study of prison inmates in California found that a transgender inmate is 13 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than the average inmate, adding on to security concerns above medical ones† (Kim, 2012). This surgery allowed the prisoner to then be transferred to the prison of their identified gender. â€Å"Health care for trans people is a necessity. It is not elective, it is not cosmetic, it is life-saving† (Cox, 2014). Trans* people experience discrimination disproportionately to the rest of the LGB+ community. Being in a body where you feel like you’re a stranger†¦ Where you feel like you don’t belong and having to deal with that plus the onslaught of transphobia and discrimination is more than anyone should have to bear. We need not just a health care system, but a world where trans* people feel included and welcomed.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Cold War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cold War - Essay Example In post WW2 scenario, America’s image as powerful democracy and its efforts to contain communism had received considerable jolt when its racial segregation and other such problems had caused international backlash. The Cold War has become pertinent part of history as it had divided the nations into democratic and communist political platforms. The two powerful nations: USA and USSR had different political ideologies. While America was a devout democracy with strong capitalistic economy, USSR was a communist country which was founded on the philosophy of socialism and state control on the economic activities. Belmonte (2007) emphasizes that Cold War was hugely critical motivator for American leadership to introduce constitutional amendments like Civil Right Act which had promoted social justice and equality across race, culture and color. The cold war era had therefore emerged as a highly critical phenomenon that had significantly influenced the world polity with wide ramifications on the national issues of the countries across the